TV Themes You’re not Ashamed to Love: Part Two

Part two of this week’s feature, and we’re about to tackle six more of those TV show theme songs that you undeniably know every word to. Coming up, we have the first two raps you ever loved that didn’t feature the N-word, and a Kids TV theme with such electrifying guitar riffs, it’s actually considered Heavy Metal. Now let’s switch on…

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

‘Yo! Home to Bel-Air’ by The Fresh Prince

First up is the first of the raps, and it’s a show everybody has seen and loved, and if they haven’t, then remove them from your life. Written and performed by Will Smith as his Hip-Hop, alter ego, The Fresh Prince, this song became so popular as the opening theme tune to all 148 episodes of Will Smith’s 90s show, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air – a show which saved his career and fortune!

As well as featuring the undeniable upbeat tones of ‘Will Smith Nice, Clean Rap’, the theme was also composed by the 27-time, Grammy Award winning music legend, Quincy Jones.

This tune is a popular choice in Student Unions and Cheese Rooms all over the country, but the mood can quickly become awkward if you only know the words to the “TV version” and not the full version. I’ve seen many drunken teens struggle to babble their way through the second verse – confidently jumping back in when Smith reaches the ‘I whistled for a cab…’ part. It’s just embarrassing, so swot up!

The Big Bang Theory

‘The Big Bang Theory Theme’ by Barenaked Ladies

Barenaked Ladies are known for their light-hearted, comedic songs and performances, which is why they were the perfect group to perform the song to a show which is the biggest sit-com in the world today.

The track is fast-paced, yet in its short duration of just 1:51, manages to cram in more words than an entire Miley Cyrus album – including 31 words Miley Cyrus has never even heard of (‘Viruses’ not being one of them…).

Although, you can’t just put the popularity of this track down to the popularity of the show. Overall, the tune is upbeat, fun and, more importantly, educational. In fact, I would call Barenaked Ladies the nerdiest band in the world, but they come a close second to another band on this list.

Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers

‘Go Go Power Rangers’ by Ron Wasserman

Seriously, listen to this track and try not to headbang like you’re at a Killswitch Engage gig. The shredding lead guitar, aggressive power chords and relentless drumming – you’re undoubtedly listening to a Heavy-Metal track that served as the theme song to a show where five teenagers wore brightly coloured, skin-tight body suits and didn’t swear once.

The reason this track is so prevailing and dominant is because it instantly reminds you of the grand magnificence you remember from the show as a kid. The violence, hostile monsters, awesome Kung-Fu, explosions and badass battle scenes that occurred in the Power Rangers – everything just makes your blood pump round your body and makes your arms rumble!

Everybody was a Power Ranger. My brother, the Red Ranger. Myself, the Green Ranger. And I’d like to think if we were ever in a bar fight, this song would be playing in the background.

Malcom in the Middle

‘Boss of Me’ by They Might Be Giants

Now, They Might Be Giants are without a doubt the nerdiest band in the world. They’re classed as ‘Alternative Rock’ because they write songs about worm doctors and particle men – they’re full on Dungeons and Dragons bizarre.

But when a group of nerds can write and create a Rock song which is a huge middle finger to bullies everywhere, you know you’ve got a hit. This is again why they were the perfect band to write the theme to a show about a young genius called Malcom, and his rebellious hate towards his family and the world.

The “underdog anthem” was so popular, that it reached number 21 in the UK charts, and even won a Grammy! And, after opening the show for 151 episodes, it became a global cult hit.

Kenan & Kel

“Aw, Here It Goes” by Coolio

Aww, here it goes! The second rap on this list, and personally, the most memorable and favourite TV theme song from my childhood (that wasn’t animated). Kenan & Kel was one of them shows that everybody you know watched. The structure, comedy and storylines all seemed to be executed perfectly.  I believe it’s still so funny that I have every episode on my laptop and still watch it to this day.

So, the show needed a theme to echo the high quality of the show. Enter Coolio. And in my opinion, Coolio has only ever had two memorable hits – and this is one of them.

The track has a great bassline, haunting synth and such memorable lyrics that they can transport you to being nine years old again, watching Nickelodeon so you could join in the conversation at school the next day.

‘Who loves orange soda?…’

Orange is the New Black

‘You’ve got Time’ by Regina Spektor

Regina Spektor is without a doubt one of the most talented female performers in the world today. If you don’t have any of her music on your iTunes, download her discography now – you won’t be disappointed.

And once again, we find the all-important correlation between TV show and artist, which is perhaps why many of these tracks do become so loved. Spektor could well be breaking into the most successful realm in her career, just like Orange is the New Black currently is.

‘You’ve got Time’ is again, perfect for the show. The softly spoken-to-screaming female vocals mirror the ever switching intensities of the show, and the lyrics seem to do nothing more than make the listener feel isolated, alone and imprisoned; ‘The cage is full, stay awake, in the dark, count mistakes’.

Both the show and artist scream unique flair and talent, and I have no doubt both Orange is the New Black and Regina Spektor are just beginning their respective journeys to global success.


So there we have it… but there are still some great TV theme songs out there, so comment below, and maybe, one day, we can all enjoy Part Three of this feature – I know I want to see Digimon on here somewhere…

Stefan Armitage

Stefan is an editor, writer, radio presenter, MA student and adored barman. A lover of good music, he might just be the most entertaining entity to come from the Isle of Wight.

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