Clinton Jacob and Something A Little Different In ‘?.WHO.R.U?’.
Clinton Jacob – Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.
Cincinnati is a city whose sounds are no stranger to MF. In fact, if you Click Here you will find more than one example of the cities’ audio outgoings but in tradition of keeping to the point (ish) you will see work on a band by the name of Mr. Phylzzz.
Now even more to the point and with a lot less “ish”, a certain Clinton Jacob is a member of said noisey and not so little Noise-Punk-Blues two piece. Quite unexpectedly he has decided to push himself out of his comfort zone and write and produce a Pop-Album. ‘?.WHO.R.U?’ is the first single from this forthcoming release.
‘This is what happens when a guy who doesn’t understand pop music tries to make Pop music‘
Immediately the young man’s vocals take all the softer and more melodic elements of his other work and apply an aesthetic that seems sat somewhere between the Post-Punk and gloomy Pop of the 80’s and what little of such survived into the early 90’s.
Synths and a low bass rule the verses and the majority of the songs airtime but fall to distorted but ironically coherent Grunge-like lead riffs while the Post-Punk drone and gloom continue almost in vein.
The balance of the song is something that to be blunt, shouldn’t stand as strongly as it does, but does so nonetheless. What Clinton Jacob has gone for in this track is a world outside of his comfort zone for the most part, but regardless of attempt, has felt the lure of the Blues reverb he knows so well pulling from one reality to another.
And with that we are left in sweet-sweet ambiguity for what will come next.
Find Clinton Jacob below: