Tagged: Grunge

The Franklys and The Forthcoming ‘Are You Listening?’

The Franklys – London, England, United Kingdom. Cover photo credit – Derek Bremner. A new generation of Garage Rock brought to us by Indie rockers The Franklys. London based and spanning origins from around the UK and distant Sweden, the band re-inventing the Garage sound of the mid 00’s with heavy...

Tinnedfruit – ‘Sorry Guys’.

Tinnedfruit – Falmouth, England, United Kingdom. Cover photo credit: Jtaylorphotoblog – Click Here. For our previous work on the band – Click Here. Tinnedfruit are a band that live in a tin can. The purpose of a tinned can is to keep said produce or in this case, occupants, fresh...

Introducing Beefywink…

Beefywink – Bath, England, United Kingdom. Cover photo credit: Colin Hawkins. Bath. The city with the ironic glazing. A city where underground music embodies the very essence of an underground scene, where it struggles but ultimately thrives despite an environment that isn’t always the most hospitable. Maybe it’s the fact...

False Heads – The ‘Gutter Press’ EP.

False Heads – London, England, United Kingdom. For our previous work on the band – Click Here. (Above) Photo credit: Gregory Hesse-Wagner. False Heads, a band that we’ve seen before and a band we have indeed heard before. A band whose past sounds we have dissected only for them to...

Introducing: Driftt.

Driftt – Warminster, England, United Kingdom.  Many people will wonder why this Warminster band have an extra ‘t’ in their name. Others will notice how young the band is or how their social media presence is vague and in it’s infancy and then how little of  a back-catalogue the band have....

Keroscene At A Glance…

Keroscene – London, England, United Kingdom. Feel The Noise/Hear The Pain/ Life Is To Lose/Happiness Is To Gain Keroscene can be said to be a shoe-gazing, melodic Grunge quartet reminiscent of the sub-indie UK scene of the early 90’s. They a band for fans of early Feeder or for anyone...

Lampshades – The ‘In Media Res’ EP.

Lampshades – Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Sometimes life is beautiful, but let’s face it, most of the time it sucks. That’s what makes the sunsets so pretty, and love so grand, because eventually everything ends. This is what Toronto natives Lampshades are saying with their phenomenal one of a kind In...

The Kaos and The ‘Cold’ Single Release.

The Kaos – Oxford, England, United Kingdom. A little closer to my (second) home town with todays musing, we’re in the Uni-town of Oxford where in May of 2013 the Alternative Rock trio The Kaos were born and promptly began bringing us what we dig about stadium-Rock but with a...

Tim Smyth & The Holy Trash and The ‘Greedy Eyes’ EP.

Tim Smyth & The Holy Trash – Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. The Melbourne music scene is certainly something, it’s a scene that harbours a great deal of creativity and eclectic musicianship in it’s diverse range of bands, artists, line-ups, record shops and culture. Tim Smyth & The Holy Trash hail from...