Tagged: Alternative Rock

Introducing: Driftt.

Driftt – Warminster, England, United Kingdom.  Many people will wonder why this Warminster band have an extra ‘t’ in their name. Others will notice how young the band is or how their social media presence is vague and in it’s infancy and then how little of  a back-catalogue the band have....

They’re Coming To Get You Barbara and The ‘Nothing Changes’ EP.

They’re Coming To Get You Barbara – Liverpool, England, United Kingdom. Cover photo credit: Jon Lingwood Photography – Click Here. When you think of Liverpool, you will almost always think of its relevance to world Football or past that, it’s notoriety for spawning the band that basically invented the idea...

Valensole – The Forthcoming Debut ‘Where We Should Be’.

Valensole – Southampton, England, United Kingdom. The Southampton based Valensole can either be described as a Punk-Rock band that have a considerable amount of vaguely related influences or a Alternative Rock band that stray very close to Punk-Rock. These were my initial thoughts upon pressing play on the band’s debut EP...

The Ultraviolet – An Introduction…

The Ultraviolet – Boston, England, United Kingdom. Recent times have been exciting for the Boston, Lincolnshire based four-piece The Ultraviolet. The band are preparing to release their debut EP entitled The Tales Of Our Youth on the 21st March 2017 and with that in mind after receiving a cheeky early listen of the...

Fresh Picks: Hypophora.

Hypophora – Truro, England, United Kingdom. We’ve been somewhat quiet recently. That thing called life has been throwing a variety of curveballs in our way and it hasn’t been the least bit preferable. It’s in these situations that many rely on music to calm the soul and provide rest-bite from...

The Kaos and The ‘Cold’ Single Release.

The Kaos – Oxford, England, United Kingdom. A little closer to my (second) home town with todays musing, we’re in the Uni-town of Oxford where in May of 2013 the Alternative Rock trio The Kaos were born and promptly began bringing us what we dig about stadium-Rock but with a...

Joe McCorriston and ‘The Party We Came For’.

Joe McCorriston – Morecambe, England, United Kingdom. Cover photo credit: Roseanna Hanson – Click Here. (Above) Photo credit – Alexi LaFey. For our previous work on Joe McCorriston – Click Here. The Morecambe based Joe McCorriston has been making music since 2010 and in that time has accumulated quite the collection of...

I Hate Ricky and The Genre Crossing Punk Of ‘Mulligan’.

I Hate Ricky – Nashville, Tennessee, USA. The Nashville based I Hate Ricky are very open with what the are trying to achieve. The band seek to emulate the rawness of the original inceptions of Punk-Rock and its fiery successor Hardcore and merge those sonic ideals with their many (and...

Tim Smyth & The Holy Trash and The ‘Greedy Eyes’ EP.

Tim Smyth & The Holy Trash – Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. The Melbourne music scene is certainly something, it’s a scene that harbours a great deal of creativity and eclectic musicianship in it’s diverse range of bands, artists, line-ups, record shops and culture. Tim Smyth & The Holy Trash hail from...